Friday, July 19, 2013



It's weird, within one month I essentially directed one camp, took off on vacation, and then was in charge of the schedule at another camp, so I figured I'd want the rest of the summer to relax. But after less than a week I'm regretting not offering to help with the new group of PCTs' training or an Ethiopia training program.  I've pretty much done nothing but watch TV and read.  Should probably get to work on preparing programs and workshops I want to do come the end of September. August will be a bit more busy, and that's not that far away.

Guess I don't feel the pressure of deadlines until they're only a few days away.

Anyway, now that I've debriefed a bit I'm having fun comparing my two camps in my head. The Huruta one was much more focused - what will help these girls in three months?- and full of a lot more stress. But I felt super accomplished after doing it.

Bejoki was a lot more fun. Can't attribute to the fact it was an overnight camp, complete with down time to hang with other PCVS and more one on one experiences with the girls, or because I had less to stress over.  Really got to see how some of the girls developed throughout the week and formed more connections due to the 24/7ness of the work.  Less stress than before, but also less sleep. A lot less.

However, I'm super glad I did both, and am just sad I couldn't do it with any of my close friends here. I don't like the idea of going back to the States and our conversations will be about site complaints and trainings, but not anything productive we actually do together. PC is more than that. But I think Debra has that covered and is thinking of a joint project in January. 


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