Friday, June 8, 2012

Leaving Addis

I've been pretty good about trying to post every night, but I'm letting you guys know that that will no longer be the norm.  Two reasons.

One, I blew the one working outlet in our room (my poor surge protector, thank goodness nothing was plugged into it). Actually, it was a pretty severe blow out, cuz the room next to us also no longer has working outlets.  Oops.   But hey, we do have one advantage of other rooms. We have immediate hot water! But it does mean I won't always have a powered laptop to work on.

Two, I'm leaving Addis. We've been living in King's Hotel for a while, reenacting the first days of college (hanging out in rooms with people you've just met, eating in the cafeteria, going to class), but now things are changing.  This weekend (I'm leaving at 4:30 am [European time] tomorrow, joy) I'm visiting a educative site where a volunteer currently works with a group of eight of G7 volunteers (G7 stands for Group 7, the one I belong to). I'm excited to see what sites actually look like, and for the Muslim wedding we've been invited to attend on Sunday.

While I'll be back in Addis come Tues, I won't be there long before heading to my host family site near Assella. Out side of Addis, and the hotel where I have free wi-fi, I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get online. Especially before I can get settled into my own site.  I just wanted to warn you guys so you don't freak out if I don't post for the next couple of days.


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